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What is RDI?

What is RDI?

Relationship Development Intervention (RDI) is one of the several therapies developed in helping children with Autism Spectrum disorder (ASD). It is a program focused mainly on aiding a child to build social relationships with other people, initially with parents and other immediate members of the family.

The RDI program was developed by Dr. Steven Gutstein, Ph. He is an internationally renowned pioneer in the field of developmental disabilities. Being an expert in developmental psychology and having studied more than 30 years in the field of autism, he established that early parent-infant interaction brought about good, if not better, later abilities of the child in the areas of language, reasoning, and social growth.  He refers to these areas as the core deficits of autism.

How does RDI work?

The RDI program begins with a visit to a neurologist for a complete assessment of a child with ASD, using the standardized autism diagnostic scales. After the diagnostic assessment, an initial relationship development assessment will be scheduled with a consultant. The assessment is performed by an RDI certified consultant, who will be aiding parents on what the agenda is for each session and how to work with the child.  The parent is expected to take on the role of being the primary trainer of their own child. This helps in promoting the philosophy of RDI, which is a belief in re-establishing meaningful relationships. To help document parent-child interaction, the session is usually recorded.

During sessions, the parent will guide the child in different activities such as playing games or playing a musical instrument, under the supervision of the consultant if he or she is present. All activities are geared towards parents bonding with their children to help them interact more with other people and convey their ideas and concerns effectively.

The program usually starts with a one-hour session with the consultant once a week. This may either increase or decrease over the course of time, depending on the progress the child makes. Eventually, when the child is ready, an introduction to peers or groups will be made and fewer consultant visits will be required.

What are the important things I need to know about RDI?

When taking RDI into consideration as a therapy for the child, keep in mind that this is not a short-term process. Of course, each child and family is different so results vary, but immediate results are normally observed. And since parents play a major role in the program, time and commitment are essential.

In terms of financial concerns, RDI typically costs less than other therapies such as ABA therapy since the program is basically done by the parent and only supervised by the consultant. As the child progresses through the sessions and there are fewer meetings with the consultant, the more affordable it becomes.

RDI is only the beginning of what will become the foundation of a diagnosed child’s better social capabilities. RDI offers continuous progress over time. Relationships do not end when sessions with the consultant end, it strengthens and enables a child to socialize even after the formal program ends.

References:   www.rdiconnect.com

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Parent Waitlist Program


November 02, 2023 | 12pm-1pm PDT

Journey to Independence

Community-based program designed to support families on waitlist

Being an RBT for me was extremely fun because where were you going to find a place where you can be completely silly without having to worry what people thought about you? This was the only job that made me feel like I could make a dramatic difference while being myself.

I also liked to be surrounded by people that had the same goals of wanting to help kids and the teamwork made the job much easier and more enjoyable.

Change and progress was the ultimate goal for our kiddos. The early intervention program was seriously only a miracle because I saw changes in the kiddos that from day one, you wouldn’t even recognize who they were.

Changes from being able to utter 3-4 words where they can only make a syllable from when they started, the behavior decreases in which kiddo that used to engage in 30-40 0 self-harm to only half, learning how to wait during games, table work where they use to swipe and drop to the floor if they had to.

My favorite was when the parents would tell us what amazing progress they were making at home. I used to tear up and felt for these parents so much because it was already difficult for them and now, they can trust and rely on ABA and the therapists knowing their goal was ours.

By Emma Rogers, BA, RBT

Mother Child
Special Learning’s Free Hotline

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