ABA Services
ABA services can be provided by a variety of different entities include, but are not limited to, private companies, schools, local government agencies, and collaborative partnerships and foundations. Additionally, consultants and therapists offer separate packages for these services.
Typically, a team consisting of several tutors, a senior tutor/supervisor, and a consultant/case manager implements the program. The service provider trains the tutors, who receive close supervision. Previous experience is not necessarily required for tutors.
Family members usually participate in two or three sessions per week. Some families prefer to hire tutors from within their family or through volunteers, such as local church groups. However, most families choose to hire tutors from universities or by placing classified ads.
In general, ABA programs involve:
- Evaluating the skills and difficulties of the child.
- Determining goals and objectives, e.g., learning how to say ‘hello’.
- Assessing behavior frequency.
- Plan and implement a program that teaches the preferred behavior.
- Continuous measurement of required skills to ensure the program is effective.
- Continuous program enhancement, making corrective actions when needed.
The way these components are applied differs from one child to another. For instance, an ABA program can be applied in the home of the family, clinic, school, or center. However, it can also be applied in two or more settings. The behavioral intervention program initially takes place in the child’s home by a group of tutors under the supervision of a consultant/case manager. The program can then be applied to other environments whenever the child progresses.
Program Frequency
Originally, Professor Lovaas’ research recommended between 32 to 40 hours of tutoring per week – 2 or 3-hour sessions at a time. Some families apply the program 5 days a week, continuously working on general skills on weekends. Whereas others include nursery placements and behavioral interventions, thus they apply for the program on weekends as well.
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