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Amanda’s Journey to Recovery (Susie’s Diary) Blog #4

Loving mother to 3 children who are all diagnosed with Autism.
Amanda’s Journey to Recovery (Susie’s Diary) Blog #4
We have made a ton of progress over the last few weeks. I am so proud of all of my kids and how far they have come! My daughter is making huge leaps every single day. She has done so well with PECS Picture Exchange Communication System that she is about to get an IPAD touch to request items on next. It’s amazing how fast she is picking things up when they are first introduced she gets very upset I think because she doesn’t know what she is supposed to do but within a day she seems to figure out what her therapist is asking and then she is mastering it usually very fast. It really is true about early intervention and how when they are that age 21 months her mind is like a little sponge soaking everything in. She continues to amaze me every day and who could ask for anything more?
Even the boys are doing really well at their school. It took a few weeks to get settled in and understand the expectations but I really think things are going a lot better now. They are set in their routines and I have seen a major decrease in the behaviors in the last 2 weeks that had soared a month ago. Transitions are much smoother they aren’t falling to the ground when it’s time to go to school etc. I am really pleased that we have a whole team of people on their caseload. I mean really when you think about it it’s awesome you have the therapists, and a different set of eyes that are looking over and creating the programs there is always someone you can get ahold of to ask questions or concerns. I wish I had known about this a long time ago and realized it could be covered through insurance I figured it was completely out of our league.
This past week was Thanksgiving it was funny the kids had 4 days off and since they are used to having the weekends off the first two days went smooth and the last 2 days it seemed the kids mostly my youngest I really think she was lacking the structure of therapy. She didn’t seem like herself like she was walking around wondering what to do with herself no matter how much I tried to play with her I really think she missed doing her work. Who would have ever thought she would find it so enjoyable and calm! And to get an hour or two to myself a day to watch tv or play around on the computer I can’t say I am not enjoying that as well!
Global ABA Practitioner Kickstart Program
Build Your Own CE Library – Gianna Apicella (20 CEs)