AutismFLIX. A Valuable Resource for Parents! Please Share the Link!
I started Special Learning nearly 12 years ago to help parents get access to quality autism and ABA resources. In 2010, there were only 16,200 BCBAs and zero RBTs in the world (the RBT credential was created in 2014). Today, there are over 55,000 BCBAs and 115,000 RBTs just in the US but parents are still on long waitlists for ABA services impatiently waiting as the days that can be used to teach new skills for their child continue to pass them by. Never to be regained… So if you can’t access a BCBA or RBT what’s the next best thing? Learning directly from the best BCBAs, Speech Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, and Mental Health Practitioners in the field!
It is with this in mind that we developed AutismFLIX. It’s a very simple to use, on-demand streaming training and educational channel for parents to access educational resources and downloadable materials to allow them to become active participants in their child’s journey to independence. Whether your child has a single ASD diagnosis or ASD with co-occurring conditions, our training and educational platform have the relevant content to help parents become informed, educated, and empowered.
For a limited time, sign up for a free 7-day trial and receive our Building Language for Early Learner’s Bundle, a gift worth $99 that you can keep without any strings.
SHARE THIS LINK WITH OTHER PARENTS AND PROVIDERS. You don’t have to be a parent to sign up for the trial.
#autismflix, #parenttraining, #abatraining, #autismtraining, #adhdtraining