Laws And Regulations Of Autism Funding

Laws and Regulations of Autism Funding

Financial resources that are made available to children and adults with autism spectrum disorder from the government are:

●        Supplemental Security Income (SSI)

●        Social Security Disability  Insurance (SSDI)

●        Medicaid  Home  and Community  Based  Services  (HCBS)

There are some laws and rules that have been defined for the purpose of funding the education and treatment of children with autism. Some of them include the following acts and bills:

Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) authorizes special education and associated services to children with disabilities. The education and services that are available are designed to target the individual requirements of every child. The principles of IDEA are:

●        Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

Children with autism or other disabilities are given free public education that is appropriate to the requirements of each child.

●        Appropriate Evaluation

Children with autism or other disabilities are examined appropriately to determine the qualification and education programs for each child. The performance of each child is monitored.

●        Individualized Education Program (IEP)

Schools working with children with autism or other disabilities must provide parents with a written statement of the education program that will be implemented to meet the individualized requirements of the child.

●        Least Restrictive Environment

A child with autism or other disabilities is entitled to be educated among other children without any disability in a normal classroom. Supplementary assistance and services are offered to help the child if necessary.

●        Parent and Student Participation in Decision Making

The involvement of parents and the child is required in the development of an Individualized Education Program.

●        Procedural Safeguards

Procedural Safeguards ensure that the child and parent’s rights are protected. It also makes sure that adequate information is provided to the children and parents to make choices about the provision of FAPE.

The Combating Autism Act of 2006

This act passes approximately one billion dollars in expenses for a period of five years starting from the year 2007. It is provided for the diagnosis, treatment, services, research, and education of children with autism spectrum disorders. Classic Autism Disorder, as well as Asperger Syndrome, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, PDD-NOS, and Rett Syndrome, are included in this act.

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