Medicaid Waivers For Families And Individuals With Developmental Disabilities

Medicaid Waivers for Families and Individuals with Developmental Disabilities

Being healthy is a gift. There is nothing else a man can ask for, as long as he knows he is in tip-top shape. However, not everyone is blessed with good health. There are people who are in need of medical care, and it can be a predicament to avail of treatment or any medical assistance when you are on a tight, or out of, budget.

The U.S. government’s Medicaid program provides Medicaid Waivers that will shoulder the additional expenses that a person with developmental disability needs. The service itself can be given in the person’s home or community. The Medicaid Waiver service is open to both adults and children.

Medicaid is used to pay for medical fees such as doctor’s professional fees, hospital bills, therapy, and any adaptive equipment that a person may need. The Medicaid Waiver gives Medicaid the chance to provide payment for additional services that an eligible person may need. The state proposes a plan and spells out the type of service that will be provided under the Medicaid Waiver program. However, the federal government has to approve the Medicaid Waiver plan.

Medicaid Waivers are not automatically given to a person who is eligible for Medicaid; they are applied for. There is an evaluation team that screens each applicant and determines if they are qualified or not. The names of the candidates are logged in a long- or short-term waiting list.

Those that are on the short-term list will be given a support coordinator who will be responsible for checking on them from time to time and even making house visits to evaluate their condition. When funding is ready, the regional office will send a letter announcing the approval of the Medicaid Waiver request.

The evaluation team will be tasked to complete the paperwork for the waiver. They will take note of the eligible person’s social history, psychological update, and nursing needs; and complete all other Medicaid documents that are required. If you are a parent of a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD or autism) and the child is being evaluated, make sure that the papers they are filling out will describe the needs of your child.

Each state will have a different approach to how they check their specific Medicaid Waivers. There are general principles that will apply in the entire nation; however, each waiver needs approval from the legislation before it can be given out in a specific state. It is important to check with your regional office to find out what services are covered by your state’s Medicaid Waivers.

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