
Special Learning’s goal is to Inform, Educate and Empower the Autism and Special Needs Community across the globe with clinical, educational, and training solutions.

Our FREE Resource Library contains a wealth of information, valuable downloadable tools, and tips from leading industry experts to help you make a difference in the lives of individuals with Autism. Check back often for new additions to our Library.


Explore our extensive article library and find well-researched information on topics related to autism and other developmental disabilities. Our main article topics include diagnosis, funding, treatment options, finding support, communication modalities, and more.

Our Experts

Meet the ABA experts that have contributed to our articles, training courses, webinars, and other useful content. Our experts are compassionate and empathetic individuals who share a passion for supporting the growth of the ABA field.


Check out our growing library of videos. Our videos provide a detailed look at topics related to the treatment and education of individuals with Autism, ADHD, and other special needs.

Downloadable Tools

Practical resources at your fingertips. Are you ready to feel empowered as you make a difference in the lives of individuals with special needs? Then grab our downloadable tools available here.


Ever get confused with ABA industry jargon? Take a look at our glossary of terms and definitions. It includes all the key words related to Autism and special needs broken down into easy-to-understand terms.


Get the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions related to Autism, ABA Therapy, and special needs here.