Role / Credential: CEO & Owner of ABA Billing
Special Learning’s Designation: Panelist for Ethics Code in Action: Ethics of Medicaid Fraud
Company Name: ABA Billing
Company URL: www.ababilling.net
Ability to Contribute: Michele Silcox, with her 25 year career in Accounting, quickly learned that the basic principles of Accounting apply across all industries.
She developed a keen sense of controls, checks, and balances and was able to successfully manage large teams of accounting staff in meeting and exceeding goals for all levels of back of?ce functions. With her experience and desire to help others, she is a seasoned, natural leader and trainer for employees, executives, and colleagues she has worked with.
For the last nine years, Michele has focused her career in ABA Therapy billing and insurance funding sources, supporting the provider just starting out through the large ABA agency ?ourishing with multiple providers, clients, and funding sources. Additionally, her software background puts her in a position to help providers maximize the use of the practice management software they have chosen. Michele is furthering these efforts by gaining her Certified Medical Professional Auditor certification which will allow her to provide even more in depth risk assessments for providers to support compliance and profitability of their practice. With tighter regulations on healthcare services, providers need to know when they are at risk for non-compliance and remain out of harm’s way of fraudulent activity. Helping providers find that peace of mind is her goal.